Active Jersey App

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The Active Jersey App gives you online bookings, Active news, and Club information, on the go, on your smartphone or tablet.

Before you can make bookings on the App, you'll need to be registered with Active Online.


How to login to the Active Jersey App:


Login Square Image For Web

For members:

 If you are an Active member, you’ll need your email address as linked to your Active membership.

The first time you log in you’ll need to set a password by following the ‘reset password’.

Click here to reset your password or to login. 

Once you have your password, you can use the same log in credentials to use the Active App.

If you aren’t an Active member, you can still use the Active App and Active Online to book and pay for activities.

For non-members: 

For non-Active members, call 01534 449888 to register for a non-member login. Once you've set up the App and set a password, you can book and pay for activities online.

If you already have an Active Online account, you can login, by clicking Login at the top right of the website.

If you have any queries about Active Online or the Active Jersey app, please call 01534 449888.


How to cancel a booking on the Active App:


Cancel Booking Square For Web

To cancel a class booking that you have made, launch the app and go to My Bookings at the top of the app.

Select the class you had booked that you wish to cancel and click the cancel button to proceed. Then confirm you wish to cancel the booking. A pop-up message will then confirm that your booking has been cancelled.

You can also call 449888 to speak to our team to cancel if you can’t make a class you have booked. This helps to ensure that others can take your space in the class if you can't make it.

Make sure that you’re cancelling at least an hour before the class is due to start if you’re cancelling on the Active app. If you wish to cancel your booking and there is less than an hour before the class is due to start, you will need to call 01534 449888 to cancel your attendance.

If you have paid for the class on the app, but can no longer make it, you need to call 01534 449888 to get a refund as unfortunately we’re unable to refund via the Active app.